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Driver Interviews - Please Fill Out

Type your answers in the boxes below and then hit send. I'm hoping this section of the website takes off and if it does we will expand it.

To start off we want current Illiana and Grundy driver interviews (any division) as well as former Raceway Park, Grundy and Illiana drivers. If you are a former Raceway Park driver please e-mail me before filling this out. I have a few extra questions to be included.

E-mail address is

Each Box Holds Up To 1000 Characters
Last Box Holds 2000 Characters
When Done Answering, Hit The Submit Button
Current Drivers
Jeff Olson
Brian Kucaba
Josh Nelms
Josh Easto
Erik Pierce
Matt Baikie
Former Drivers
Woody Church
Stash Kullman
John McKarns